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A dedicated BORBET employee personally lent a hand and built the beehive, which is not only used for honey production, but above all as a means of raising environmental awareness and helping to promote biodiversity.

"For us at BORBET, it's more than just a beehive. It is a symbolic step to emphasise our commitment to sustainability. We don't just want to produce wheels, we also want to have a positive impact on the environment and sensitise our employees and the community to ecological issues," emphasises Nicole Prestele, Sustainability Manager at BORBET.

The care of the beehive is in the hands of the dedicated employee, who will not only look after the well-being of the bees, but also the communication and participation of the employees. BORBET plans to provide regular updates to share the progress of the project and further raise awareness of sustainable practices.

The introduction of the beehive is an integral part of BORBET's comprehensive sustainability strategy. The company aims to promote environmentally friendly practices in all areas of the business and to make sustainable behaviour a matter of course.
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In Medebach (North Rhine-Westphalia), we replaced the conventional HQI lighting in other areas with LED lamps last year. The replacement represents a small building block in BORBET's sustainability strategy.  

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All BORBET sites have launched initiatives to reduce energy consumption. The use of waste heat at our melting furnaces was particularly successful. Burner air preheating was successfully introduced at the sites, where hot exhaust gas is passed through a heat exchanger to return energy to the burners. 

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BORBET has a wide range of wheels for vehicles with alternative drive systems. It is therefore only logical that the focus is now also increasingly being placed on sustainability in the company's own fleet.

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