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This marks a real milestone for BORBET: the company is now the only international OEM wheel manufacturer to be ASI-certified. The site in Port Elizabeth is also the first ASI-certified plant in Southern Africa, regardless of the industry.

Margot Borbet, CEO of BORBET GmbH: "We are very pleased about the ASI certification, as it perfectly complements our commitment to harmonising high quality with our ecological, social and ethical standards."

The ASI, a global non-profit organisation, has set itself the goal of creating greater sustainability and transparency along the entire aluminium value chain for the responsible use of aluminium as a raw material. To this end, a standard has been developed that defines all steps from bauxite mining to aluminium processing and recycling, and monitors and certifies compliance with environmental and social aspects in this context.

As a metalworking company, BORBET takes its responsibility very seriously and has been increasing the efficiency of its use of materials from the very beginning. This is achieved through a design that is improved by means of a life cycle analysis - using special production techniques, a comprehensive system for recycling process waste and a recycling strategy at the end of product use.

BORBET is currently actively tackling the ecological challenges with further projects and thus making its contribution to the sustainable production of quality bikes "Made by BORBET".
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In Medebach (North Rhine-Westphalia), we replaced the conventional HQI lighting in other areas with LED lamps last year. The replacement represents a small building block in BORBET's sustainability strategy.  

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All BORBET sites have launched initiatives to reduce energy consumption. The use of waste heat at our melting furnaces was particularly successful. Burner air preheating was successfully introduced at the sites, where hot exhaust gas is passed through a heat exchanger to return energy to the burners. 

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BORBET has a wide range of wheels for vehicles with alternative drive systems. It is therefore only logical that the focus is now also increasingly being placed on sustainability in the company's own fleet.

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